The EvalGroup’s Clients

Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety

Funding Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Determined the impact of statewide highway safety programs that are aimed to reduce the count of motor vehicle fatalities; conducted data analyses using national dataset and statewide traffic records; provided recommendations for funding community-level programs; conducted hot-spot analysis to assist law enforcement focus efforts for high visibility enforcement efforts.
Broward County Public School District

Funding Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Determined the impact of in-school health and sex education programs; conducted a policy evaluation to determine the degree at which school policies helped students feel safe; analyzed YRBS data in a comprehensive e-book for district-wide use; determined the utilization of the healthcare partnership referral system and provided actionable recommendations for programmatic improvement.
Coastal Workforce Development Board

Funding Source: Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF)
Developed a workforce strategic plan to assist workforce development agencies in helping residents in their community find and keep employment; engage stakeholders, community members, agency partners, and other stakeholders in the development of the plan; used research and evidence-based practices to guide programmatic recommendations.
South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services

Funding Source: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Executed a comprehensive process and outcome evaluation that demonstrated the change in recidivism based on new approaches and techniques implemented by law enforcement and probation/parole officers; obtained IRB approval for key informant interview and survey administration; presented actionable recommendations for programmatic improvement.
DeKalb County Workforce Development

Funding Source: Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF)
Determine the impact of temporary employment and job trainings on program participants and their ability to secure permanent employment; obtained IRB approval for key informant interview and survey administration; conducted statistical analyses to determine the relationship between program participation and wage increase; presented actionable recommendations for programmatic improvement.
DeKalb County Juvenile Court

Funding Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
With changes in client expectations, we moved toward looking at the impact of the program on altering changes in behavior. Here is some verbiage that can be used.
- Designed a multilevel framework that articulated an understanding and complexity of the Drug Court program.
- Developed culturally appropriate data collection instruments to include a site observation rubric, retrospective pre/post survey, consent forms, focus group discussion and key informant interview protocols.
- Conducted weekly site observations of pro-social activities, group treatment sessions, court sessions, and multidisciplinary team meetings and staff retreats to monitor the fidelity in program implementation.
- Administered retrospective pre-/posttest to youth and parent participants.
- Conducted focus group discussions with youth and parents.
- Conducted key informant interviews with the Drug Court Team staff and stakeholders of the program.
- Tracked a trended changes in academic performance and drug/criminal charges against the OJJDP performance measures.
- Performed statistical and thematic analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.
Georgia Junior Achievement

Funding Source: Junior Achievement USA
Provided a detailed data report that summarized the outcomes of the Junior Achievement financial literacy program and the relationship to student achievement; analyzed school district data (suspension, standardized test scores; etc.) and conducted statistical analyses to determine the relationship between program participation and student achievement.
Learn to Grow, Inc.

Funding Source: Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Division of Addictive Diseases Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP); Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Strategic Prevention Framework grant.
Conducted comprehensive process and outcome evaluations on multiple grants to assess implementation of alcohol and substance use/abuse prevention programs. Provided technical assistance to help build internal and community level evaluation capacity.
Emory University – Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center (SEAETC) Program

Funding Source: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C
Conducted a feasibility study that assessed the access to dental care among patients living with HIV/AIDS in the Atlanta area; identified geographical disparities and specific areas where accessibility to quality dental health care was limited; provided actionable recommendations for programmatic improvement.
Safe States Alliance

Funding Source: Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program (CORE SVIPP)
Assisted with the process and outcome evaluation of the grantees that received the CDC Core VIPP funding; administered electronic national surveys to state health departments annually; provided a state-by-state summary of programmatic activities and state health outcomes. Developed a web-based Tableau data visualization dashboard to support state health department injury and violence prevention (IVP) programs funded under the Core SVIPP.
West Central Georgia Cancer Coalition (WCGCC)

Funding Source: Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Division of Addictive Diseases
Conducted a comprehensive process and outcome evaluation; provided technical assistance to help build internal and community level evaluation capacity. Assist in the development of strategic plans; develop infographic progress and data reports to offer recommendations that are used to improve service offerings.
National Minority Clinic and Research Association
Funding Source: Private Funders
Provided data analysis and reporting services to determine how case manager training improved the delivery of patient health care services; provided actionable recommendations for programmatic improvement.
The 100 Black Men of Greater Montgomery

Funding Source: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families
Provided evaluation support to determine the outcomes of mentoring and sex education programs among adolescent participants; provided actionable recommendations for programmatic improvement.
South Carolina National Guard (SCARNG) – Health and Wellness Program

Funding Source: Department of Defense and the state of South Carolina
EvalGroup provided a health and wellness Program Coordinator and health and wellness Coaches to seven (7) regional locations throughout South Carolina. EvalGroup developed a customized health and wellness plan for action on a state-wide basis that assisted service members, family members, and retirees in creating, reaching, and maintaining their health and wellness goals, facilitating healthy lifestyles.
North Carolina Works (NCWorks)

Funding Source: Department of Commerce
Developed, designed, conducted and analyzed a multiyear customer satisfaction survey with participants and employers who receive workforce development services through the NC Works Career Centers and NC Works Online portal. This was a statewide customer satisfaction survey. Developed data visualization dashboard to enable Board managers access real-time information from responses.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD)

Funding Source: City of Charlotte
Developed and administered multiyear citizen survey to assess overall residents and business’ satisfaction with the delivery of police services in Charlotte. Conducted a culture and climate assessment to help define the culture within CMPD and understand employee morale within the organization.